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dive isla  bella
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If you arent able to book online

Please, call as we OFTEN have room. Online booking is only available 5 days prior to trip/s.

Let's Get You BreathingUnderwater   Phone (786)638-8047

Dive Isla Bella Cancelation policies

Considerable time and preparation goes into your trip and course scheduling. The following cancellation policies are strictly enforced for the benefit of all passengers, students and crew.

To receive a full refund, cancellations must be made and confirmed no later than 2 weeks prior to your reservation. 

There are NO REFUNDS for:

  • Parties failure to show up for scheduled trip or course.

  • Incompletion of a course once initiated. (weather conflicts receive                                     a raincheck or are rescheduled)

Inclement weather and adverse sea conditions are evaluated and decisions to cancel trip will be determined by the Captain. (rain is not a determining factor for dive trip cancellation, we are going underwater)

All trips cancelled by the Captain will be given a FULL REFUND, a raincheck, or simply the ability to reschedule.

Certified divers must be current in their skills.  If an extended time has elapsed since their last  dive, they may be required to tune up their skills in a refresher course, or hire a dive guide.  This is for the safety of all our passengers and crew.


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All participants reserving for compressed air activities must be healthy and fit to dive. 

They have not in the past and currently do not suffer from:

  • Asthma (no inhalers, no exceptions)

  • Breathing difficulty (emphysema , COPD,  bronchitis)

  • Pulmonary Lung Dysfunction

  • Pulmonary/Lung Surgeries

  • Diabetes (type 1 or 2 treated with medication)

  • Heart Attack

  • Heart Surgeries

  • Heart malfunctions (irregular heartbeat, angina, other heart problems)

  • Syncope (loss of consciousness or fainting)

  • Epilepsy

  • Ear surgeries (inability to equalize or currently tubed)

  • Being treated for any other unnamed medical conditions. 

  • Severely unfit (unable to exercise without risk of harm /possible death)

Failure to disclose and release medical information at the time of reservation may disqualify a participants and NO REFUNDS will be issued. Breathing underwater has inherent risks that are significantly decreased and prevented by adherence to strict policies in regards to our health.  If you have questions please don't hesitate to refer to our crew.  We want you to have a wonderfully memorable, safe experience.  dive isla bella has the right to refuse service to any participant for their safety and for that of all participants and crew.

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